2024日本動畫 轉生貴族靠著鑒定技能一飛沖天 日語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2024大陸劇 祈今朝/仙劍奇俠傳六 許凱/虞書欣 國語中字 高清盒裝6碟
會員價 HK$124
2024韓劇《狗話/胡言亂語/狗叫聲》李順載/樸成雄 韓語中字 盒裝3碟
會員價 HK$78
2024大陸劇《初顏》嘉澤/李沛洋 國語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2024大陸劇《閉嘴吧!高金燦》柯達/朱子奇 國語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2024大陸劇 七夜雪【TV全集+幕後花絮】 李沁/曾舜晞 高清盒裝6碟
會員價 HK$124
2023日劇SP 必殺仕事人2023 東山紀之/松岡昌宏 日語中字
會員價 HK$56
台劇 最佳利益 第1-3季 天心/溫升豪 DVD 高清 全新 盒裝 8碟
會員價 HK$186
劇情介紹(2019日本電影 無法想象/Impossible to Imagine 日語中字 盒裝1碟)
The story of a traditional Kyoto woman who runs a failing kimono business and the entrepreneurial, biracial, business consultant who comes to help keep it solvent. Along the way they fall in love, but his need for change clashes with her desire for the world to stay the same. In the end, can they change enough for each other? Set in 2018, Impossible to Imagine is a film that explores issues around identity, and how Japan is struggling to adapt and become more inclusive in the modern era even in the face of rapid depopulation. Featuring beautiful tracks from Australian/Japanese composer, Hanako Ward, and a gorgeous theme song by Jeremy Lim and Sachie Sunaga, this is a film that aims to slip into your heart, and then make you think.同類產品