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劇情介紹(2008捷克電影 被盜的領土:科索沃 現代戰爭/捷克語中英文 DVD)
State-owned Czech co-produced Vaclav Dvorak’s Stolen Kosovo prior to the Czech Government’s recognition of the mafia state on Serbian territory, and then banned it after that recognition.
According to the Czech daily Aktualne, representatives of Czech TV justified their refusal to show the one-hour documentary about the suffering of the Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija province by claiming the documentary is “unbalanced” and marked with “pro-Serbian bias”, and so “the tone of the documentary could cause negative emotions”. To which Dvorak responded that the same could be said for “Holocaust documentaries, where the Nazi Germany ’side’ and ‘views’ were also appropriately ignored”.
The makers of Stolen Kosovo said that while the Serbian television archives were used in some segments of the film, not a penny was received from Serbia or from Serbs in the making of the documentary. At the same time, they have challenged the censors to point to a single statement, image or a segment that is incorrect or false, with no response.
The film which was first scheduled to be shown on March 17, 2008 — the anniversary of the latest pogrom against Kosovo-Metohija Serbs in 2004 — and than delayed until April, but has still not been aired. The Czech Government recognized Kosovo as a State May 21. Wordpress
![2008捷克電影 被盜的領土:科索沃 現代戰爭/捷克語中英文 DVD 2008捷克電影 被盜的領土:科索沃 現代戰爭/捷克語中英文 DVD](./upload/product/0786695001595994689.jpg)