2024韓劇 從地獄來的法官/來自地獄的法官 樸信惠/金宰英 高清盒裝5碟
會員價 HK$109
2024日本動畫 轉生貴族靠著鑒定技能一飛沖天 日語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2024大陸劇 祈今朝/仙劍奇俠傳六 許凱/虞書欣 國語中字 高清盒裝6碟
會員價 HK$124
2024高分美劇 石油天王/土地人/Landman 英語中字 盒裝3碟
會員價 HK$78
2024大陸劇《乘龍贅婿》楊業明/李歡 國語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2023日劇SP 必殺仕事人2023 東山紀之/松岡昌宏 日語中字
會員價 HK$56
台劇 最佳利益 第1-3季 天心/溫升豪 DVD 高清 全新 盒裝 8碟
會員價 HK$186
劇情介紹(1995超經典英國罪案劇DVD:頭號嫌疑犯 主要嫌疑犯4:失蹤的孩子)
Tennison's promotion to Superintendent turns out to put her in charge of an investigation and search for an abducted baby. She gets more involved in it than she intended considering that she just had an abortion. However, she turns out to be the one of most cool headed of her team when the prime suspect seems to be a man who was a child molester recently released from a clinic. As people start to investigate him, emotions get in the way and terrible mistakes are made that seem beyond Supt. Tennison's ability to correct.