2024韓劇 從地獄來的法官/來自地獄的法官 樸信惠/金宰英 高清盒裝5碟
會員價 HK$109
2024日本動畫 轉生貴族靠著鑒定技能一飛沖天 日語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2024大陸劇 祈今朝/仙劍奇俠傳六 許凱/虞書欣 國語中字 高清盒裝6碟
會員價 HK$124
2025大陸劇《暗香來》林澤輝/湯加文 國語中字 盒裝2碟
會員價 HK$62
2024香港電影《得寵先生/狗轉人生》鄭丹瑞 國粵雙語中字 盒裝1碟
會員價 HK$56
2025大陸劇《怎敵她千嬌百媚/千嬌百媚》林允/方逸倫 國語中字 盒裝5碟
會員價 HK$109
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會員價 HK$56
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會員價 HK$186
劇情介紹(職業特工1-7季/諜中諜1-7季Mission: Impossible1-7季)
熱門電視劇Mission: Impossible講述「職業特工隊」是個團隊,他們專門負責解決最高難度的機密事件,不僅任務給的機密,而且成敗自行負責,政府完全不承認有這個組織和任務,每次任務的給定,都是來自錄音帶中出現的聲音,任務交代後,聲音即被銷毀。團隊首領「龍頭老大」負責企畫,他深諳底下每個成員的能力,做出最精密萬無壹失的佈局,讓每個人適任適份的扮演好自己的角色,而後按佈局完成任務。The Impossible Missions Force is an elite group of agents chosen for their various abilities to infiltrate foreign governments as well as criminal organizations that are seen as threats to the security of the nation. Originally they were lead by Dan Briggs, but he was replaced by Jim Phelps after one year. Among its members are electronic****ecutive Barney Collier, actor and master of disguise Rollin Hand, model Cinnamon Carter and strongman Willy Armitage. In later years Rollin leaves the team and is replaced by another master of disguise simply known as Paris and Cinnamon is replaced first by young Dana Lambert and then Lisa Casey
